Blood & DVD


Blood & Chocolate DVDIf you are reading this right now, then you are most likely amongst the hundreds of millions of people that did not go see Blood & Chocolate (review) when it opened in theaters this past January. The film did Bloodrayne-like money. Of course, Bloodrayne‘s box office bombing didn’t stop a sequel from getting made so maybe DVD sales for Blood & Chocolate will be strong enough to continue the romantic saga of a really hot loup garoux and her scruffy, comic book artist boyfriend as they gallivant about Europe.

I was one of the few that did see the film on the big screen and must confess that I didn’t think it was too bad. It wasn’t too good, mind you, but it could have been a million times worse. Don’t tell that to fans of the popular teen novel the movie is based on. Seems the makers of the movie changed so much that it has little resemblance to the book; much to the ire of many a teenage Goth chick. I just remember sitting there in the theater watching what I thought was a bittersweet ending only for it to turn out the movie had another 15-minutes. And thank goodness too because if there’s one thing I demand when I’m watching a Gothic romance about people that transform into wolves, it’s a climactic gun battle and a big fiery explosion. Thank you, “from the producers of Underworld“, thank you!

If you’re still undecided, then you can check out Nomad’s Blood & Chocolate review on this website and my more detailed (and infinitely snarkier) write-up over at my own website.

Better decide soon because Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has just announced a May 29th DVD and Blu-Ray release date for people exploding into Xanadu lights before turning into four-legged wolves. The film will be presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track. Extras include 15 deleted scenes, an audio commentary track with director Katja Von Garnier, and an assortment of trailers.

The DVD will set you back about $28.95; ten dollars more for the Blu-Ray version. But won’t it be worth it just to own that wonderful box art the marketing department at Sony cooked up (courtesy of DVD Active). If you’ve seen the movie, then you should instantly realize how ridiculously bad this DVD artwork is. Makes it look like some sort of hybrid of Van Helsing and “Buffy”…

The Foywonder

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