Jeepers Creepers 3 Casting Call Cancelled

Victor Salva’s past has come back to bite him again as Deadline is reporting that Salva’s plans to film Jeepers Creepers 3 in Canada has hit a snag. Salva, who was convicted on child molestation charges nearly three decades ago, had posted a casting notice on Breakdown Services for a film that shoots this spring in British Columbia. But when the Union of British Columbia Performers found out about it, they sent an alert to talent agents warning them about his criminal past. Breakdown Services then removed the casting notice from its site.
In 1988, Salva was convicted of oral copulation with the 12-year-old star of Clownhouse, his first feature film, and he served 15 months of a three-year sentence. He also pleaded guilty to lewd and lascivious conduct and of procuring a child for pornography. After his release from prison, he went on to direct such films as Powder, Jeepers Creepers, and Jeepers Creepers II.
“It has recently come to our attention,” the union alert says, “that a casting breakdown has gone out for a feature film entitled Jeepers Creepers III, and that the director of the film, Victor Salva, was convicted of sexual misconduct in 1988. The conviction allegedly resulted from misconduct involving a minor whom Mr. Salva was directing at the time. At this time we would like to remind our members and their agents that, under Article A2702 (Safety & Welfare of a Minor) of the BC Master Production Agreement, a performer has the right to refuse work if they believe that the nature of the work is unsafe.”
Upon learning of the alert, Breakdown Services issued a statement to its clients saying it had removed the casting notice from its website. “Upon learning of this notice and our own verification of the facts surrounding Salva’s conviction, Breakdown Services has removed this project from its files. All submissions made by any agent on this project are no longer available to the casting director nor any member of the production staff.”
The casting notice sought an 18-year-old actress for the role of Addison, who at the age of 13 had been sent to live with her grandmother after her stepfather “started making overtures” to her. Salva could not be reached for comment.