Domestic Captivity


Captivity poster (click to see it bigger!)After Dark Films and Lionsgate finally released the first domestic poster for the upcoming Elisha Cuthbert thriller Captivity which anyone who attended last November’s After Dark Horrorfest will probably never want to hear about again. They played the trailer before every movie.

Cuthbert stars in Captivity as a high-end fashion model who is kidnapped, along with a chauffeur, by a madman with a thing against pretty women and chauffeurs. Or a thing for pretty women and chauffeurs. Or something. The point is the guy is crazy.

What is also crazy is the fact that the victims, in tiny rooms next to one another, bond throughout the experience of this madman torturing them both physically and mentally and eventually fall in love. Proving once and for all that Huey Lewis was right about the Power of Love. I think.

Wow, all that just to show off the poster? You betcha; got a lot of space to fill up here, you know. Click on it to see it bigger, and of course hit the official Captivity site to learn even more about it!

Johnny Butane

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