Drive Thru Taking Orders


Drive Thru on DVD!“High schooler Mackenzie Carpenter thinks her biggest problem is dying of boredom in the bucolic wasteland of Orange County… until her classmates start dying of massive blood loss and Horny The Clown, the mascot for local burger favorite Hella-Burger begins madly stalking her with cryptic messages hidden in 70’s kitsch toys. It isn’t until Mac discovers her unbelievable connection to Horny and his victims that she realizes, if she’s going to live to see 18, she must come face to face with the killer clown in the bloodiest week Blanca Carne, California has ever known.”

Drive Thru is a slasher flick that a lot of people have been waiting on for a while now. The premise and the killer’s awesome looking clown mask and attire have had many a slasher fan psyched. I mean, just check out the trailer and tell me it doesn’t look like it has tons of potential.

Unfortunately, the word of mouth from those that have already seen the film has not been particularly good. Well, we’ll soon get to judge for ourselves as Lionsgate has scheduled the fast food-themed slasher for a May 29th DVD release. As of now it doesn’t look like there are any extras, but thanks to DVD Empire, we do know what the DVD artwork will look like.

Man, I’ve never seen that much ketchup on a hamburger before…

The Foywonder

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