Get Buz’ed!


Screen from The Buz!The computer has changed everything. The way we live. The way we watch stuff. The way we communicate. The way we have fun. You name it.

Nowhere is its influence more apparent than in gaming and online socializing. Hell, time spent on the Internet has even spawned its own type of language. For instance how many times have you LOL‘ed today? Get where I’m going?

So we here at Dread Central started wondering … What would happen if this weird language bled over into real life, or better yet, into our favorite movies? Well, the answer is now here.

Get ready to experience online life where pop culture and horror are at war with the Internet.

Get ready for …

The Buz: Horror vs. Teh Interwebz

Click on the above image and check out our first installment, the 1968 classic OMG! Nite of teh Lvng Dead!!!11111!!!

Check back monthly for updates from Buz “Danger” Wallick.


Uncle Creepy

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