Contracted Director Shares Unmade Sequel Script Pages

Back in 2013, writer/director Eric England unleashed Contracted, a gross-out horror film about a young woman infected with a particularly nasty STD. The sequel, Contracted: Phase 2, just hit home video this month, and it was unfortunately made without any involvement from England.
The story, in a nutshell, is that England was originally going to be involved in the Contracted sequel, at one point attached to write/direct and at another only to write, and though his pitch was initially approved by IFC, things didn’t end up working out. And so England departed the project.
On his Facebook page this past weekend, England showed off the first six pages he wrote for Contracted 2, his version of the sequel that didn’t come to fruition.
“Over the past year (especially now that Netflix is streaming both films) a lot of people have asked how different my Contracted sequel would have been,” England wrote. “So here’s the opening from my unfinished screenplay for Contracted: Phase II, before I walked away from the project.”
“Just for clarification: This isn’t to slam the other film,” he assured. “Just to answer the literally hundreds of questions I’ve received about how mine would have been different.”
Be sure to click on the script pages to enlarge them to a readable size!