Survival Horror Video Game Metro 2033 Getting Feature Adaptation

Released in 2010, first-person survival horror video game Metro 2033 was based on the same-named novel by Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky, and we’ve heard rumblings over the last few years of a feature film adaptation. It seems that project is finally on its way. Read on.
The Tracking Board reports that producer Michael De Luca has boarded the adaptation of the post-apocalyptic video game with potential plans of turning it into a full-blown movie franchise. De Luca is teaming with Solipsist Films, and they’re working off a script from F. Scott Frazier.
Metro 2033 is set in post-apocalyptic Moscow twenty years after the few survivors of a massive nuclear event took refuge in the depths of the Moscow Metro, where they built a city-state civilization and raised an entire generation underground.
The game is played from the perspective of Artyom, a man who has never ventured beyond his Metro Station-City limits until a fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system. His journey takes him from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where his actions will determine the fate of mankind.
Stephen L’Heureux is producing with Alissa Phillips and Eugene Efuni executive producing.