Go Inside Supernatural Episode 11.10 – The Devil in the Details

It’s been a long, cold several weeks since “Supernatural” graced our airwaves, but that changes on Wednesday, when the series return from hiatus with Episode 11.10, “The Devil in the Details.” In this sneak peek, exec producer Jeremy Carver gives us the “inside” scoop. Can Sammy hold the devil at bay? We kind of hope not… he’s much more fun with the devil inside.
“Supernatural” Episode 11.10 – “The Devil in the Details” (1/20/16; 9:00-10:00 pm)
LUCIFER MAKES SAM AN OFFER — Now that he has Sam (Jared Padalecki) in the cage with him, Lucifer (guest star Mark Pellegrino) offers Sam a way out, but it comes with a steep price. Meanwhile, Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Castiel (Misha Collins) look into the angel smiting that could have killed Amara (guest star Emily Swallow). Thomas J. Wright directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb.
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