Elite’s Creature Collection


Creature Features Collection (click to see it bigger)Man loves his monsters. If it weren’t for them, what genre would we worship on a day-to-day basis? Historical dramas? Dull! Elite Entertainment knows how much we love our monsters, and to prove it, they’ve put together a very badass sounding three-episode DVD called the Creature Features Collection.

Originally shown on the Bravo Network, the Creature Features Collection DVD contains three distinct episodes: “The Beasts”, which explores everything from werewolves to man-flys; “The Machines”, with a focus on movies featuring malevolent, sentient machines like The Terminator and Metropolis; and “The Dead” which, as you can imagine, is all about zombies.

Don’t get too excited, though; the DVD is not due out until June 12th, by which point they’ll have hopefully added some special features to the package. You can check out samples for each episode over on YouTube, and then hit up Elite’s official site for more info!

Johnny Butane

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