Ghostbusters to the Rescue in New Still; Villain Details

Entertainment Weekly scored some new details and a new image from Paul Feig’s upcoming reboot of Ghostbusters, and we have the latest for you right here.
Prior to today we didn’t know what the gals in the new flick will be up against other than the obvious; however, now have some idea. The new Busters will be fighting everything from “pilgrims, old-timey sailors, Revolutionary War spirits, [to] even a couple of zoot-suited gangsters.”
Dig on the new image below.
In Ghostbusters, Melissa McCarthy is Abby Yates, Kristen Wiig is Erin Gilbert, Leslie Jones is Patty Tolan, and Kate McKinnon is Jillian Holtzmann. Chris Hemsworth co-stars, and also making appearances will be Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, and Annie Potts.
Wiig and McCarthy play a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. Flash-forward a few years and Wiig lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia U. Which is pretty sweet, until her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia. Wiig reunites with McCarthy and the other two proton pack-packing phantom wranglers, and she gets some sweet revenge when ghosts invade Manhattan and she and her team have to save the world.
The Ghostbusters reboot will haunt the big screen on July 15, 2016.