Contracted: Phase 2 Spreads Like a Lethal STD on DVD and Blu-ray

If you’ve seen the flick Contracted, you know that sometimes sex can be killer. In fact, it presented one hell of a worst case scenario. Its sequel is looking to follow suit with an uncomfortable itch all of its own!
From the Press Release:
Hang on to your barf bags, buckle up, and get ready for the genre ride of the year when Scream Factory, in conjunction with IFC Midnight, releases the horror thriller Contracted: Phase 2 on January 12, 2016. Picking up immediately after the events of the first film, Contracted: Phase 2 follows Riley (Matt Mercer – Contracted), now infected and running out of time, as he attempts to find out more about the virus and its mysterious host. Starring Matt Mercer, Peter Cilella, Marianna Palka, Morgan Peter Brown, Laurel Vail, Alice Macdonald, Anna Lore, and Suzanne Voss, Contracted: Phase 2 is a must-see for fans of the body horror genre.
As he digs deeper into its origins, Riley attracts the attention of a detective (Marianna Palka – Good Dick) who doubts his innocence and BJ (Morgan Peter Brown – Absentia) himself, who holds the key to the virus–and perhaps the destruction of mankind as we know it, leading to a blood-soaked finale you have to see to believe.