Long Lost Director’s Cut of Exorcist III Coming to Blu-ray!

When I tell people that I love Exorcist III as much as I do the original, they either respond with “I totally get it!” or they just look at me like I’m nuts. Either way… here’s some news I’ve been dying to report on!
Over on the Ninth Configuration website, director William Peter Blatty confirmed that Morgan Creek is working on putting Blatty’s cut of the film out on Blu-ray. That’s all the news about it available at this time and it’s far from an official studio confirmation but the info gives us the warm fuzzies.
The only bad news? We don’t know when. The theatrical cut of the film underwent all manner of cuts and tweaks, including an alternate ending which Blatty has been very vocal about not liking. There’s even some excised footage in the trailer below.
This could be glorious, kids. Stay tuned.