Hitchcock Haunts The Silver Screen


No, Alfred! It's not a remake!!!Each Friday night when I was a kid, my folks would lock me in a room with a television while they tried to regain the youth I was sucking out of them. On this tiny black & white set I was sure to catch Alfred Hitchcock Presents and slowly twisted into the horror loving madman I am today. I also found their hidden collection of adult magazines, but that is another story.

A long time has passed since Alfred got a proper salute. Universal Studios Florida tore down his attraction and made it Shrek 4-D. Hell, I don’t even think Norman’s home is around anymore. Sigh. Why the studio that housed many popular horror movies would shove them aside for Jimmy Neutron and Shrek is beyond me.

Hollywood Elsewhere is reporting that a new film by Ryan Murphy will be bringing the great Alfred Hitchcock back to the big screen. This news quickly sent shivers down my spine because the thought of the word “remake” started stabbing my brain. Those fears were quelled once it was revealed that this is no retread of a classic. No no, it is a look into the troubles and mountains Hitchcock had to overcome in order to get Psycho from dream to reality.

If all the stars align right, Universal could start making a comeback in the horror genre. But who would play the master of suspense? Rumors have it that Anthony Hopkins is up for the role, and why not? It’s not like the art of film make-up FX has not been able to make us believe before.

Kryten Syxx

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