Encounters Official Trailer Promises a Terrifying Experience

The found footage genre: At this point, you’re either still on board or you’ve checked out entirely. I’m still in the game, believe it or not, simply because I keep hoping that I’ll stumble across one that delivers on all fronts. Perhaps one day the punishment will pay off, and the gods of cinema will grant me a found footage experience that doesn’t make me question what the hell I’m doing with my life.
Writer/director Anders Johannes Bukh’s Danish sci-fi horror flick Encounters promises to scare the hell out of viewers. According to the trailer, anyway. Hey, it managed to put the fear into a Vice writer, so who am I to say differently? The synopsis on IMDb is pretty bare — “The woods have secrets” — but you can pretty much figure out what’s going on in the trailer embedded below. Creepy things are happening in the woods, and it’s all captured on video. You know the drill.
Given the number of “scary” found footage horror movies currently on the market, Encounters has its work cut out for it. However, I’m not one to pass judgment without seeing the finished product, so perhaps this is the film that will convince me the sub-genre isn’t a bloated, ragged corpse that someone dumped in the desert on their way to work. Stranger things have certainly happened.
If you’d like more info about the movie (and you happen to read Danish), then swing by the official Facebook page. Instead of feeding all of that text through Google Translate and deciphering what it could possibly mean, why not just check out the trailer? It’s in the space down below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAvfortKHyM&w=640&h=360]