Tsunambee: The Wrath Cometh Unleashes Horror of Biblical Proportions

Remember that part in the Bible where a swarm of locusts attacks the earth because, you know, it sounds really cool to attack mankind with a ton of pesky insects? Writer/director Milko Davis has taken that biblical prophecy and given it a low-budget, B-movie spin. Tsunambee: The Wrath Cometh is headed in your direction, and no amount of praying can stop it.
Even if you’re not into the whole religious horror thing, at least you can sit back and watch as a group of unfortunate individuals are torn asunder by bees — or wasps, according to the official synopsis. Tsunamwasp just doesn’t have the same ring to it, so I’m willing to forgive this hiccup for the sake of cheesy horror-oriented goodness. Insert extremely tacky belch here.
The aforementioned synopsis gives you a clear picture of what’s going down:
As the world ends, a wrath is released that torments man for days. Symbolic in scripture of locusts plaguing man, huge swarms of wasps attack a small rural town at the beginning of a series of apocalyptic events. As a gang tries to leave the city, their escape is cut short by a group of farmers taking the law into their own hands. A local sheriff is the only hope of order left, but options are limited as the groups become tangled trying to escape an attack of biblical proportions. They must now work together to survive as the end of time ensues by setting aside their differences.
If that plot gives you a case of the holy heebie-jeebies, then have a look at the trailer and artwork for Tsunambee: The Wrath Cometh below. If more information is what you crave, swing by the official Facebook page to learn more about the movie and the folks who brought it to life.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rEc3hHoRG4&w=640&h=360]