Michael Dougherty Currently Scripting Trick ‘r Treat 2


When it was announced two years ago that a Trick ‘r Treat sequel was in the works, the plan was for Sam’s return to be put on the fast track. But Michael Dougherty found a different passion project in the form of Krampus, eager to bring the Christmas beast to the screen before anyone else.

Now that Krampus is in the bag and headed our way this weekend, Dougherty is eager to put his focus back on Sam, which means that Trick ‘r Treat 2 should arrive in the not too distant future. In a new interview with Bloody Disgusting, he opened up about the status of the project.

Trick ‘r Treat 2 is a really rough outline at the moment; my hope is now to turn my attention back to Sam and Halloween so yeah, fingers crossed,” Dougherty told the site.

The full interview will hit Bloody Disgusting this afternoon so keep your eyes peeled.

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