Gingerbreed Trailer Features Killer Gingerbread Men From Space. ‘Nuff Said.

“A sci-fi comedy feature about killer gingerbread men from space.” Now there’s a sentence that I never thought would exist.
It refers to the new movie Gingerbreed, which directors Szymon Weglarski and Jonathan Dorfman have been working on for over 10 years, ever since they shot several scenes as a test project in college. They’ve now completed filming and are looking to raise funds to complete the VFX.
It comes as no surprise that the directors also founded the VFX company HiFi 3D and won an Emmy for their work on “Boardwalk Empire” because despite its substantially low budget, what we’ve seen of Gingerbreed so far looks like it could easily be straight out of a major studio production.
And if you’re still undecided about whether or not you should contribute towards Gingerbreed, then just remember: It’s about killer gingerbread men. From space.
And they say that originality in film is dying.