Zach Galligan Talks Next Gremlins Film; Sequel to Original

Chris Columbus, who wrote Gremlins, has pretty much promised that he’ll never allow the original classic to be remade, which is certainly music to our ears. This past week, star Zach Galligan confirmed that a new Gremlins film is in the works, and true to Columbus’ words, it’s NOT a remake.
As reported by, the Gremlins star was on hand at Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square for a screening of the holiday favorite this past week, and much like Columbus before him, he promised an excited audience that Gizmo and friends aren’t being remade.
“It’s not going to be a reboot,” Galligan told the crowd. “It will not be a remake in any way, shape, or form. Chris Columbus has come out and said that the first film is very near and dear to his heart, and as long as he is alive, it will never be remade. So the only thing they will be, and apparently are going to be doing, is something along the lines of like Jurassic World, where it will be 30 years later.”
“All of the elements from the first, at least the first Gremlins movie — Chris Columbus didn’t really have much to do with the second Gremlins movie so I don’t know how he feels about that — but all of the things and events that happened in the first one will be referred to,” the actor continued. “And apparently some of the characters from the first one will reappear in the new one they are planning right now. I swear on my life, I don’t know if I’m in it or not, but I think there is probably a decent chance since I’m one of the few people left standing from the first movie.”
The new Gremlins film is being written by Carl Ellsworth. Columbus will co-produce with Steven Spielberg.
Check out Galligan’s comments below.