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Dread Central Membership DriveDread Central is a very weird creature. We like to think of ourselves as the fan’s horror website. We never shill (unless the price is extremely right; Butane and I have to keep our supply of Slim Jim’s and Night Train well stocked in order to function), and we never bullshit you guys. You are all the reason we have a place to do our thing, and what better way to say “we appreciate it” than to hook you up with some more free swag?

So then — Welcome to the first ever Dread Central Membership Drive!

Every so often we’ll be giving away a prize package for new community members consisting of the official Dread Central T-shirt courtesy of our friends at Rotten Cotton and tons of other horror related stuff like DVD’s, movie posters, collectibles, books, etc.

What do you have to do to win? Simply register for our forums. That’s it!

And what about existing members? Did you really think we’d forget you guys? Just refer some friends to us. Once you do, have them drop us an e-mail here along with your user name so we know that you sent them. Pretty simple, eh?

Get busy! Your free stuff awaits!

Uncle Creepy

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