Visit Hannibal’s Homeland


Of all the films about Hannibal Lecter to base tourism on, I really didn’t think Hannibal Rising would be the one chosen; though I guess for the sake of locations it is the most exotic. Just goes to show how far those wacky Lituanians are when it comes to scooping up our American dollars, I guess.

A buddy of mine sent me a link to the story on Reuters about a Lithuanian tour firm who has formed a brand-new excursion that will take visitors to the land in which the fictional Hannibal Lecter grew up, as portrayed in both Thomas Harris’ book and the recent film Hannibal Rising (review). In the story Hannibal is born to Lithuanian nobility before he sees his sister eaten by soldiers and goes mad. The tour’s goal is to give those who have a hard time with the reality/fiction separation a chance to see where a murdering cannibal spent his formative years. How sweet.

The outing includes a trip around Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, then you’re whisked off to a nearby estate for a “Hannibal Fest” and it’ll only set you back about 100 euros (roughly $130). What’s really troublesome is the fact that I’m sure there will more than enough people who will take them up on the tour, too, if nothing else just to say tell their co-workers that they did it.

Johnny Butane

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