Sideshow Gets Hostel


Sideshow's Hostel figure (click to see it bigger!)One company we’ve not heard a lot from since Toy Fair started up last week is Sideshow, though I have no doubt that they have some great stuff planned for horror fans in 2007; we horror fans are the ones who more or less gave them the massive success they have today, and at heart they’re all just big geeks.

Geeks with a taste toward the twisted, as is evidenced by one of their most recent acquisitions: Eli Roth’s Hostel. As you can see to your right, the first figure Sideshow will be releasing from Hostel is an import of Medicom Toy Corporation’s RAH figure from the successful horror film.

Of course the quantities are limited, as is always the case, but the price is actually not bad for what appears to be a very high quality 12-inch figure. Click here to pre-order it through Evilshop, and be sure you browse around Sideshow’s site when you get there to see all the great stuff they showed off at this year’s Toy Fair!

Johnny Butane

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