Florida Celebrates Horror & Hotties!

There are definite advantages to living in the Sunshine State. Nice weather year round, delicate windstorms that blow down buildings, old people near death cruising around for their final French crueller, and horror film festivals showcasing near naked chicks! YAY!
The Horror & Hotties Film Festival rampages onto the University of South Florida main campus in Tampa, Florida for one night only — Saturday, March 3rd, 2007. The debauchery begins at 6:00 pm in Cooper Hall. And best of all, it won’t cost you one lousy dime.
The fun don’t stop with movies though … Experience the gore-soaked globes of the HHFF’s first ever Bloody T-shirt Contest and enter the Be the Next Scream Queen Contest, where one lucky lady will win the chance to show off her – uh – lungs in an upcoming Film Ranch horror feature film!
Who could resist?
Get a preview of the coming atrocities and all the grisly contest details right here!
Oh, and did I mention I will be hosting? I know, I know, tough job. But I suffer for my craft!
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