Rogue Finds Release

Word has found its way online today through various sources, likely originating on The Weinstein Company’s official site, that Dimension has finally set a release date for Greg McLean’s killer croc movie, Rogue.
Ironically, said date is the exact date that Primeval was moved out of in an attempt to get it in theaters before Rogue: April 20th, 2007. Well, maybe it’s more of a planned attack on the box office bomb than irony, but sometimes the universe can act in funny ways.
Rogue, McLean’s follow-up to the critically acclaimed Wolf Creek, stars Michael Vaughn as Pete, a cynical journalist out on a river cruise in Australia. When the boat finds a secluded lake, it is quickly deemed a mistake as a giant pissed off and hungry crocodile has made its home there and has had no time to prepare for guests.
Hopefully Dimension will be generous with their hype to help wipe the public’s memory clean of Primeval between now and April. Keep it here!
Punch our forums in the nose to prevent them from attacking! Wait… that’s sharks, isn’t it?