Find Bloody Love in Texas


Friday Night Frights Valentine Love (click to see it bigger)In the mood for some sticky loving next Wednesday but don’t have anyone to get sticky with? Or maybe, if you’re very lucky, you do and they’ll still want to head out to watch a double bill of horror flicks, no?

Enter the Pit of Horror boys and their Friday Night Frights, which is moving up a few days this month to Wednesday, February 14th to present a double bill of My Bloody Valentine and The Burning, two blood-soaked romantic classics if I’ve ever heard ’em.

As usual the festivities go down at the Studio Movie Grill in Addison, TX, where the doors will swing wide at 7pm. Check the Friday Night Frights MySpace page for all the details!

And speaking of Pit of Horror, they’re the chaps we’re helping put on the biggest horror convention in Texas, Fear Fest, this coming March 23rd-25th. Things are going smoothly with the show’s setup, but I should let you know that the quantities of VIP passes are becoming severely limited so if you’ve not booked your time for the show, which will feature Guest of Honor Tobe Hooper, Roddy Piper, Michael Bailey Smith, Tony Todd and many more, you best get your booking done soon! Hit the official Fear Fest site for all the details!

Johnny Butane

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