Loads of Grindhouse Info

So it’s Monday, you don’t have the burning desire to work (banging on the drum all day, on the other hand, sounds pretty damn good) and you just want to zone out with some good reading. Well, besides perusing all the brilliantly written news stories, reviews and features here on Dread, I feel obligated to point you to a massive article on the Tarantino/Rodriguez soon-to-be classic, Grindhouse, that has shown up over at the New York Times.
Now, as stated the article is pretty long so perhaps you don’t have the time to read the whole thing before your boss catches you; we’ll give you the highlights. In the body of the article it’s revealed that Tarantino’s entry, Death Proof, will run 90 minutes in total, while Rodriguez’s Planet Terror will be 80. Something tells me the latter of the two will be more fun, but then there’s nothing wrong with Kurt Russell as a serial killer, is there?
Apparently there will only be four trailers between the films, for faux films by Eli Roth, Edgar Wright, Rob Zombie and Robert Rodriguez, but I’m sure they will be worth the cost of the ticket alone. Of course the fact that you’re getting two brand-new movies from two brilliant directors for the price of one should have already made it worthwhile.
And here’s something else gleaned from the article that you may not have been aware of: For the true grindhouse experience, the directors have purposely inserted “reel breaks” at key moments of their films, which means at one point the film will stop playing and when it comes back, we’ll have likely missed important elements to the plot. That’s one of those ideas that looks great on paper but will likely backfire since most of today’s average audience has no idea what those grindhouse movies were like back in the day. Anyway, just be aware of it so you can listen for the annoyed sounds those around you will make in the theater when you go see the double feature on April 6th.
Hit the NY Times link above to read the entire aricle!
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