Henenlotter Returns with Bad Biology!

A few days ago there was some news over on Horror Movies.ca about a new film from Frank (Basket Case, Frankenhooker) Henenlotter called Bad Biology. Unfortunately said “news” consisted of only the title being announced so it wasn’t really worth sharing with you guys.
Now more info has cropped up so of course we’re gonna let you know all about it; Bad Biology follows two frustrated young people driven by biological excess to find the ultimate in sexual pleasure, unaware of each other’s existence. When they finally do meet the results are insanely over the top according to the synopsis, but will hopefully just be what we’d expect from the man who made Brain Damage.
Effects are once again being handled by Gabe Bartalos, who worked with Henenlotter on Basket Case 2 & 3, Frankenhooker and Brain Damage, not to mention classics like Watchers II and Skinned Deep, so the amount of gore will be sure to please any Henenlotter devotee when all is said and done. I just hope the story is enough to carry it through!
Keep an eye on the Bad Biology MySpace page for updates as they come down, or just leave your eyeballs here as you know we’re going to be following this one closely!
Welcome Frank back with open arms in our forums!