Pan’s DVD and Sizemore’s Bottom

When asked to name great movies, only one pops to mind: Tom Sizemore’s Bottom Feeder. Oh, to watch a washed-up actor battle the ever popular (and rarely used) genetic experiment gone bad … the mirth, the merriment!
I think my brain just suffered a breakdown. However, for those who are Sizemore fans, there is good news for you, kind of. Fangoria posted a story today that Bottom Feeder will be hitting shelves on April 3rd of this year. Unfortunately, this film looks like another in the long line of direct-to-DVD crap, but we’ll have to wait and see for a review.
Now it is time for a film that really deserves your attention: Twitch a Korean edition DVD of the film will be out just after Valentine’s Day. Yes, on February 23rd you can see Academy Award nominee Guillermo del Toro’s masterpiece if you missed it in theatres. This is great news for those of us who refuse to wait for anything, especially Region 1 DVDs. On top of that there will be English subtitles included with this limited edition set.
If you have a multi-region player or just one that plays Region 3 DVDs, then you should click here and bring Pan into your home.
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