Anderson Talks Castlevania


I thought I felt just a little more evil seep into the world recently. Turns out it was Paul W.S. Anderson (pictured) talking about his upcoming adaptation of the classic video game series Castlevania.

“We are still finalizing the budget,” Anderson told the folks at IGN Filmforce recently, “but if all goes according to plan, we are eyeing a fall/winter shoot in Transylvania and Hungary.” Why Hungary? Anderson insists it’s because it was the actual birthplace of Vlad Tepes, the man upon whom the legend of Dracula is based, and because it’s full of beautiful scenery. Though I don’t doubt either of these two justifications as good reasons to shoot there, I would guess the primary reason is because it’s damn cheap.

“It was like discovering Mordor as a real location — epic, dramatic, and above all scary,” he says of seeing Transylvania for the first time. “These locations haven’t been shot properly in a mainstream movie, so that is always extra exciting … to put something on camera that hasn’t been seen before.”I have to give some props to Anderson for wanting that authentic look at least instead of re-creating it on a soundstage.

Interiors for Castlevania will be filmed in Budapest with all the post-production work taking place in London. I’m sure we’ll hear more about it soon enough so keep those ears perked up!

Johnny Butane

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