Chinese Open Door to Horror

With all the Asian horror films that continue to pour forth from our brothers and sisters in the East, it’s sometimes hard to tell just where it’s all coming from. Unless you’re atune to the differences in language and writing, most fans would be hard-pressed to remember the last horror film that made its way to us from China.
And for good reason; there really hasn’t been one for a long time. Over the weekend Variety got word of one of the first horror films to make its way past the country’s red pen of censorship in quite a while: Li Shaonhong’s The Door. A psychological horror film, for sure, The Door is about a man whose entire life revolves around his relationship with his girlfriend and the lengths tow hich he goes to find out the truth when she finally up and leaves him.
This marks the eighth film for the female director, which could have a lot to do with why it was able to make its way through censors unscathed; the most racy thing she was asked to remove was a shot of a naked man’s back. Odd.
You can check out the trailer for The Door here, and look for more info on it as it gradually is seen more and more. It opened in Chinese theaters on the 18th.
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