Deaden Comes Home


Click to see it bigger!Making an indie film is a bitch. I know, I’ve helped out people who attempted it. So once your indie film is actually done, you’ve shot it, edited it, scored it; what happens next? You pray to God someone out there likes it enough to pay you for it.

Well, the creators of Deaden must have a really nice God on their side because after the film only being out in the public for a few months, it’s been snatched up for a DVD release by Maverick Films, a company who’s been building a reputation for a few years with their support of the indie scene. Tentative plans are to have the movie out to the masses this summer, but of course we’ll let you know when more solid details arise.

Deaden, directed by Samhain helmer Christian Veil and staring John “Arrow in the Head” Fallon, follows an undercover cop (Fallon) as he narrowly escapes death at the hands of a heartless gang of criminals and goes on a dug-fueled revenge rampage. It’s good time, schlocky fun that never takes itself too seriously and is filled with all sorts of nice splatter. Check out my Deaden review for a more thorough look at the flick.

And of course keep it here (or AITH) for the latest news on Deaden’s release as we learn it!

Johnny Butane

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