Goyer on Invisible Changes


David Goyer talks changes to InvisibleI’ve not had the chance to see the original Swedish film The Invisible, which Blade writer David Goyer just wrapped post-production of the remake for, but many who have report it being a very solid, multilayered film which could have some issues translating well to U.S. sensibilities.

For his part, Goyer told Sci Fi Wire that the film is definitely the darkest thing he’s done to date, more in line with his first directorial effort, Zig Zag, than say his last, Blade: Trinity. The story, about a young man who is beaten and left for dead only to be stuck in limbo and struggling to make the living discover his body before it’s too late, is certainly not what one would call a lighthearted tale.

Goyer also admitted that he did what most see as unforgivable when he remade the film for the US: He changed the ending. “Without giving too much away, we didn’t do the cliché,” he told the site. “Everyone always says, ‘Oh, they [remake] a foreign film, and they change the ending, and they make it a happy ending.’ We didn’t do that. We didn’t do the bullshit [ending]. … If anything, we went more tragic in some ways … The biggest issue I had with the original Swedish film was I thought they kind of copped out on the ending.”

I for one love me a downer ending, so that’s music to my ears. Hollywood Pictures has The Invisible set for release on April 13th; be sure to check out the Invisible MySpace page (which is actually quite visible) for more info!

Johnny Butane

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