Dread Virals, Stills, and Screening Invite

Ok, kids! Playing a little catch-up here. For around a week now some virals and stills have been going around pertaining to Clive Barker’s Dread. We were a little lax on our end, so here they are for you — the virals, the stills, and even an invite to see the movie for free!
Dread is a psychological thriller centering on three college students who study other people’s fears. As the study progresses, one of the students begins to seek salvation from his obsession by exploiting the terrors of his fellow participants. In the film directed by Anthony DiBlasi, Stephen Grace is played by Jackson Rathbone and Shaun Evans is Quaid.
Things kicked off with the following e-mail from a Mr. Stephen Grace:
“Quaid, I knew it! I knew we were pushing things too far. I just got this letter from Kessler, now what??”

Said e-mail and letter were met with a quick response and a NOT SAFE FOR WORK painting created by the character.
“FUCK kessler! He’s just pissed because his daughter is one of my models… and because he’s part of the establishment – like all the rest… nation, family, church, law, all cheats and chains and suffocation. You just wait, Stephen. They’ll see it, they’re all gonna fuckin see it. Sit tight.

Those are the virals thus far, I would expect more coming soon though that we promise we’ll be more timely on! In the interim, dig on some pretty nifty stills!

Not enough? How about an invite to a FREE screening on May 5th in LA? See details below but please note the theater has a limited capacity. Early arrival is advisable to secure admission and an ideal vantage point. Admission is not guaranteed and is first come, first served. The venue manager will not allow lines to form early, so please do not arrive earlier than 5:00pm.

Keep it here for more as it comes!
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