Real Life Zombies in New Orleans? recently posted this bizarre news that could only come from one place. The Internet.
Possible zombie outbreak? Is he just a lunatic? One thing is for sure, this shit is not your everyday kind of thing.
Joseph Lancellotti, a Metairie, Louisiana resident is recovering after a stranger bit a chunk of flesh out of his arm and swallowed it Saturday afternoon. Lancellotti said he tried to defend himself with a garden rake. As the men struggled over the rake, the stranger bent over and bit Lancellotti on his right forearm, the report said. Lancellotti’s flesh ripped away as he fell to the ground. The man then got on top of Lancellotti and began choking him.
His neighbor Chantal Lorio, a podiatrist and director of the Wound Center at East Jefferson General Hospital, came out to check on Lancellotti. “He said, ‘He bit my arm, chewed the flesh and swallowed it in front of me,'” Lorio recalled. She said the bite measured almost 3 by 1 1/2 inches, and was less than 1/4-inch deep.

– Jon Condit
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