DVD Release List: Get Your Indie Fix


Low budget, long productions, bad acting? You’ll have it in spades come January 9th, 2007…

Click to see it bigger!Beastly Butchers
Directed by Various

I’ve never heard of Pendulum Pictures before, but they sure seem to be the place to go for you horror fans who want your horror indie and cheap. Cheap as in bad or low-priced? Probably both, but I was referring to the price; six flicks for the price of less than one? Not bad at all. In this set you get films like Kill Syndrome, Season in Hell, Goblin, The Lunar Pack, The Tenement and Deadly Culture; Never heard of any of ‘em? It’s like discovering a bunch of new horror that no one else knows about! Right? Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Doom Asylum (1988)
Directed by Richard Friedman

Ah, the late 80’s horror/comedy; has it ever been improved on? I don’t really think so, but that’s a matter of opinion. If you’ve never heard of Doom Asylum I don’t blame you, but it’s a good example of how the formula works. I don’t think this one was even on a widely distributed VHS back in it’s day. But Code Red is making it all better by releasing the uncut version of the film, about a crazy coroner who violently dispatches anyone who trespasses on the grounds of the asylum he inhabits. Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!The Giant Majin Collection
Directed by Various

So even though Image is pimping these as “lost classics” of a sort, there is something you should know about the Majin movies; they’re actually American International Pictures Television re-dubbing of the Japanese Daimajin films. Sure they’re said to be “professionally” dubbed, but they’re still freakin’ dubbed. I hate that. Anyway, these are movies about a giant stone idol who comes to life to rescue the citizens of feudal Japan. If you just need to have them in their AIP-TV versions, do so at your own risk! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Mexican Werewolf in Texas (2005)
Directed by Scott Maginnis

I’m not really up on all my cryptozoology like I probably should be, but since when is the Chupacabra a Mexican Werewolf? I’ve always thought it was a beast who sucked goats … I guess that’s what they call a creative liberty. In a small Texas town ruled by racial unrest, a brutal series of killing heightens tensions even more. Only four teens know who the real killer is, the aforementioned Chupacabra, and have to band together to defeat the beast. Foy’s review has even more info on it, so get clickin’. Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Murder Set Pieces (2004)
Directed by Nick Palumbo

Well, here we are; Murder Set Pieces is no longer some film that everyone talks about but no one has seen; as of this Tuesday you’ll be able to track it down at your local Best Buy but be warned; Lionsgate had to cut some stuff out of it to get it to be in regular stores so be sure you’re clear as to which version you’re getting. The story, set in Las Vegas, is about a fashion photographer who has a taste for murder, killing all sorts of ladies in exceedingly nasty ways. Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Red Room (1999)
Directed by Daisuke Yamanouchi

One room. Four contestants. A box of household items are given to them with one goal put forth; survive. So begins a crazy, imaginative, gory romp of Japanese depravity that only Unearthed has the balls to bring to your doorstep. Though a ton of goodies were promised for the DVD release, I couldn’t find any details out there as to what’s actually on the DVD so I guess you’ll just have to buy it to find out, won’t you? Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Serum (2006)
Directed by Steve Franke

Dr. Edward Kanopolus, or Dr. K as his friends call him, is working against the clock to find a serum that will apparently cure all the world’s illnesses. No pressure there. A pharmaceutical company who are funding the project demand results, forcing him to make a rash of bad decisions that eventually unleashes a monster for a good old-fashioned killing spree. I’ve never heard of the movie or the plot, but it sounds like it could be a fun time, no? Check out Foy’s review to find out! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!The Shunned (2005)
Directed by C.M. Downs

Another indie film in which a whole lot of nothing happens; conversations are repeated over and over again to pad the running time, characters are introduced only to serve as murder victims down the road and everyone walks very … very … slowly. Or so The Foywonder said in his review of the film, and you would have likely wasted a lot more of your money over the years if you never listened to him, right? He does it s you don’t have to. And besides, how could a movie with such a bad cover be any good? Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Sinister Souls
Directed by Various

Another collection of six indie films that have been I’m sure clamoring for some attention since they were made on one set with an admittedly cool looking cover. Inside this six-movie collection are Cape, I Dream of Dracula, Unborn Sins, Sick Bastard, Bill Zebub’s The Crucifier and Todd Sheets’ Dominion. For those of you who have had the fortune of seeing J.T. Petty’s S&Man know the name of Bill Zebub and should have a healthy does of fear for this set… Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Vicious Vixens
Directed by Various

Ah yes, ladies of the vicious type; always both the best and worst kind, don’t you think? This collection of six movies from Pendulum features the indie films From Venus, the incredibly awkwardly titled Sandy Hook’s Lingerie Party Massacre, Nightmare Museum, Rape is a Circle, So Mort it Be and Todd Sheet’s Dance-a-Thon of Death. Does the girl on the cover come with the set? Cause that’d make it totally worth it. Buy it here!

Johnny Butane

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