More Awards for Labyrinth


Pan's Labyrinth wins Best Film (click to see it bigger!)Even though it’s only up for Best Foreign Language film for this year’s Oscars, the fact that it’s in the running at all is enough to make me feel that there might be some justice in the universe at all.

I refer to Pan’s Labyrinth, of course, Guillermo del Toro’s amazing political/fantasy movie that’s currently doing very well for itself in limited release. Variety is reporting that this weekend the National Society of Film Critics, a group which includes noted reviewers like Roget Ebert and David Ansen, chose Pan’s for Best Film of 2006, an honor it is more than deserving of.

It’s a rare for the group to look outside the U.S. for their choice of Best Film, but this year they almost had to as that’s where some of the most original films came from. The next big award to be handed down to Labyrinth will hopefully be the aforementioned Oscars for Best Foreign Language Film.

Labyrinth opens this Friday in Austin, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Miami, Philadelphia, Sacramento, San Diego, Seatle and Washington D.C. Even more theaters will then be added on January 19th, a full list of which is available at the film’s official site. Do not miss this one, folks, it’s not often something this amazing comes along!

Johnny Butane

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