More Maniacs


Talan TorrieroThe South will rise –yet– again as the maniacs are coming back for more! For the first time 2001 Maniacs director Tim Sullivan confirmed publicly that there will indeed be a sequel to his last violent venture, appropriately titled 2002 Maniacs.

The announcement came during the Driftwood panel at (where else?) Comic-Con. Tim even went so far as to confirm the first official victim, Driftwood alumnus Talan Torriero (pictured right).

We can only hope that both Talan and the rest of his fellow meat for the Southern beasts die horribly graphic deaths for our amusement. Bring on the BBQ, boys!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go try and find a way to get that damned theme song out of my head.

Uncle Creepy

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