New Ash Art for Your Ass

At the risk of sounding cheeeeeasy, 13 will prove to be the luckiest number for Dynamite Entertainment‘s Army of Darkness title this month!
As we first reported here, Ash is set to take on a world of Marvel Comic’s characters turned brain slurping, tendon munching zombies this comming March in a five issue limited series, taking place of the regular AOD series. I know March seems like a year away for me, too, so until the time comes for the ultimate rumble, you’ll have to fiind out how it all came to pass.
Ash has been throwing down with demons, mini killers and possessed versions of his friends in every action packed issue … but now it all comes to a head. As demons seem to go to the TV “Batman” school of crime where they tell the good guy everything they need to know before setting in motion their untimely death, issue 13 reveals Ash’s ultimate role in the battle between good and evil before kicking his ass straight into the start of the Marvel Zombies prequel story. With Ash out of the picture, this leaves room for his evil doppleganger to rise once again and horde all the sugar for himself!!
Check out the covers for Army of Darkness 13 by Tom Nguyen, Kevin Sharpe, Nick Bradshaw and a surprise 4th cover by Marvel Zombies artist Sean Phillips, then drool over our teaser pages. Your next move should be directly to your nearest comic shop before this issue sells out.

– Nomad
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