Behold the Cleavagefield Monster!

People all over the web spent months speculating about what the Cloverfield monster would look like, salivating over every potential nugget of information and misinformation about its top secret appearance. Not so much the monster from Jim Wynorski’s T&A spoof Cleavagefield, but just wait until you see this thing.
Undead Backbrain has the goods on the terrifying mon-star of the low budget sex spoof Cleavagefield premiering on Skinemax, I mean Cinemax, on April 1st. Behold the behemoth unleashing a blitzkrieg upon the buff and busty!

I have nothing else to add other than to say I knew it was only a matter of time before the “Puff the Magic Dragon” Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade balloon went on a killing spree. Thanks once again to indie maven, Avery.
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