Welcome to 2007!

As 2005 was coming to an end, I would tell anyone who asked that my biggest wish for 2006 was for something to change. The site we were working for at the time had some big plans that we really wanted to see come to fruition, and I wanted to start making a real living from doing this job that I spend more time on than my “real” job. I just wanted something different in the new year.
Needless to say, I got my wish. Here we are 5 months out with our own site (the first time in my history that we’re not working for anyone), and everything is going damn fine! We’ve got some big plans for this year, the fist of which will be a redesign that should be coming along very soon and will make us much sexier! More media, more downloads, more exclusives; 2007 is going to be a badass year, and we hope you stick with us for the whole thing and beyond!
Be sure to check out the Dread Central Best and Worst of ’06!

Kiss the old year goodbye in our forums!