Light Teaser

Certainly looks like the UK will be getting White Noise: The Light a while before we do; considering the film doesn’t even have a release date nailed down here yet. I really wonder why, it’s not like the first did badly here (though I still can’t figure out why it didn’t…).
Nathan Fillion (Serenity, Slither) stars in The Light, playing a man who suffers a near-death experience and realizes that he’s become a receptor for the dead. The other day we pointed out both a clip and a poster from it, and today someone threw us a line with the heads-up that the film’s official teaser can be found at Bore
Though there’s not a lot to it, there’s some freaky looking stuff within so check it out right here if you’re interested. Just in case anyone’s wondering, yes, I do have a huge man-crush on Fillion so I’m going to be pimping this movie as much as I can unless I determine it’s a POS. So there!
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