Get Gravedancers Now!

The sycophants over at Twitch Film just found out via one of their forum members that you don’t have to wait until March 27th to take home Mike Mendez’s excellent The Gravedancers (review) on DVD. All you have to do is pay a little extra to get it from Holland!
Truthfully it’s worth it if you’re a fan of the movie as they gave the Region 2 DVD a very sexy Steelbook packaging, which you can see on the right, as well as a ton of features — enough to pack two discs with. Sadly I couldn’t find the specifics on it anywhere, but I did find that badass look at the cover, so there’s something! I can tell you for sure there’s no commentary by Mendez, but hopefully Lionsgate’s release will have one when it hits in March.
Click here to get the disc via Xploited Cinema!
Thank God for the Dutch in our forums!