Trackman Cometh


While it may have slipped under a lot of people’s radar, Russia has been quietly carving out a name for itself in the genre movie department the past couple of years, Night Watch being the most well known of this burgeoning boom. I don’t know about you, but I personally have only begun to take notice that Russian genre flicks are getting more and more attention on movie news sites that specialize in international cinema.

Case in point: I happened upon info on an upcoming Russian slasher flick called Trackman while checking out news on a cool website called 24 Frames Per Second. I was more intrigued than anything else so decided to have a look at the trailer for Trackman and now find myself coming away seriously interested in seeing this one. It’s a great looking film, and what little you see of the Trackman himself definitely gives off a sense of menace. Something about the setting also catches my attention.

“Three robbers commit raid on a bank. Thinking they have the ideal escape route from the crime they retreat into the abandoned tunnels of the Moscow subway. In the course of a robbery 3 hostages were taken and they too are dragged into the depths of the tunnels. From that moment they fall into the domain of the ‘Trackman.’ Methodically he hunts them down, stripping them of their eyes.”

Trackman hits Russian screens in March of next year. No idea when or even if it will be made available to Western audiences, but if and when it does, I’m definitely going to check it out. In the meantime you can click here to check out the film’s trailer. Yeah, it’s in Russian, but who cares? Some concepts and reactions transcend language barriers.

The Foywonder

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