The 12 Best Jennifer Tilly Horror Performances (And Where to Stream Them)

We are all in love with Jennifer Tilly. There is no point in lying about it because she inceptioned all of us as children. While we were watching all of these sexy thrillers, we were too young to see we fell for her. It feels like the queen, also known as Jennifer Tilly, has always been around (even though she still looks younger than most of us). Her IMDB lists 130 acting credits and 101 appearances as herself, but it seems like that number should be higher. While pulling together this list, I realized I inserted Queen Tilly into things she was not in. I told myself she was there because I cannot comprehend why she wouldn’t be.
This woman stays so busy that it’s hard to fathom a comedy, thriller, or even a mystery without J Tills. As a child of the 90s, I remember hearing her voice on Hey Arnold! and seeing her sashay onto sitcoms like Frasier. I did not fully comprehend the importance of watching her trailblaze a clear path through comedy, and simultaneously, the genre umbrella at large. I can now though, and I’m here to remind you to put some respect on J. Tilly’s name. Especially today, her birthday.
Also Read: Screamfest Announces Their Terrifying 2022 First Wave Of Films
Jennifer Tilly is not recognized as a scream queen because her characters are usually the ones doing the killing. This is another reason we have no choice but to stan. She took the “ditzy” stereotype that hot girls of the 80s and 90s were stuck with and turned it on its head. And usually dressed in outfits to die for while covered in some fool’s blood. Tilly is the patron saint of women who are underestimated, and her career is iconic.
When you add how she stepped into the Child’s Play universe and gave us one of very few women monsters in a major horror franchise, it’s over for the rest of us hoes. None of us can compete with someone who can tag into the middle of a beloved franchise and serve so hard that the lead has to share the spotlight.
I wish this queen nothing but the best on her birthday and I’m excited to see what kind of shenanigans she will get up to on her Instagram. If you want to celebrate Jennifer Thee Tilly on her special day, check out this list of movies below.
Bound (1996)
Character: Violet

An ex-con (Gina Gershon) and her lover (Jennifer Tilly) plot to steal millions and frame the lover’s boyfriend. Was I too young to watch this movie when I did? Yes. Did I walk away with a sense of girl power that most kiddie shows never gave me? Hell yes. I think this movie did what Scarface did for male rappers, but for women rappers. I see the DNA in a lot of music videos to this day. This film was written and directed by the Wachowski sisters, so you know it is probably the wildest time on Amazon Prime.
Embrace of The Vampire (1995)
Character: Marika

A college freshman gets seduced by a vampire who takes her into his world. We have all been there. However, most of us do not go there with a cast that includes the goddess Rachel True and Alyssa Milano. This film is billed as an erotic thriller vampire film and is currently free on Tubi and Vudu.
Far From Home (1989)
Character: Amy

A girl’s cross-country trip with her father is cut short when they get stranded in a desert town. They find themselves in a trailer park with a serial killer problem. Drew Barrymore is the lead, but Jennifer Tilly is the reason for the season again. I am pretty sure this movie was the thesis for why I thought all movies set in Nevada had to have Jennifer Tilly. To be honest, I think more movies should have a Tilly Tax, so maybe my kiddie brain was onto something.
Rent it on YouTube
The Haunted Mansion (2003)
Character: Madame Leota

A family moves into a mansion, and finds out it is super haunted. We have seen that movie before, but we do not always get it with Ms. Tilly as a medium whose head is confined to a crystal ball. While this was part of the Eddie Murphy run of children’s movies, we know our lady is a scene thief. The fights that break out about whose movie it is may never end. However, it is an easy gateway to get your kids into the Tillyverse. That way they are not writing listicles in a few years mentioning how Bound kicked the Power Rangers’ ass while realizing why they never got along with other kids.
Stream it on Disney+
Hide and Seek (2000)
Character: Helen

A couple kidnaps a pregnant woman because they want her child. I did not know I needed to see Jennifer Tilly kidnap Daryl Hannah until today. However, now that I know this is a thing, it is what I will be looking into immediately. Everyone seems to sing the praises of Madam Tilly in this movie which has gotten varied reactions out of my friend circles. All I know is, if Tilly is driving the chaos bus, then it must be a good time and worth my money.
Rent it on Amazon
The Initiation Of Sarah (2006)
Character: Dr. Eugenia Hunter

A college kid uses her powers to get back at a rival sorority house. It seems Tillster’s character is the one that gets to tell some sisters they got magic to do. I never heard of the original 1878 movie and was shocked to see both versions are made for TV movies. However, I know that putting Dr. in front of a Tilly character name is my new Bat Signal. Pardon me and my cape as we make our way past Gotham City’s crime to rush to this appointment.
Tideland (2005)
Character: Queen Gunhilda, Jeliza-Rose’s mother

A neglected girl retreats into her imagination to avoid her harsh realities. Tilly is tasked with playing the neglectful mother as well as Queen Gunhilda. We do not always see royalty playing royalty, so this is definitely worth a trip to Tubi.
The Child’s Play Universe
Characters: Tiffany Valentine, Tiffany Doll, Jennifer Tilly, Combos of the three
Bride of Chucky (1998)

Chucky comes back again and finds his perfect mate. She is a little too perfect because she is played by Jennifer “I’m Going To Take Your Movie” Tilly. It was surreal because we were all having a great time with Chucky, and then it was magically, so much better. I do not understand how any franchise works without a little Tilly in a few installments. The franchise was never the same, and we are all welcome.
Stream it on SYFY
Seed of Chucky (2004)

Chucky and Tiffany Doll are resurrected by their kid and make their way to Jennifer Tilly’s Hollywood home. This one turns up the camp and allows Tilly to play the most outrageous version of herself. We ate it up for so many reasons, including that it showed Chucky and Tiffany might be murderers, but they are not monsters. Some decent parenting happens while they both continue to follow their bloody dreams.
Stream it on SYFY
Curse of Chucky (2013)

Jennifer Tilly is playing Tiffany Valentine in Jennifer Tilly’s body makes an appearance to kill someone and ship Chucky to Andy. While she has less screen time this installment, she still serves and brings mayhem. A true queen leaves an impression, and what an impression she made in this one.
Stream it on SYFY
Cult of Chucky (2017)

Jennifer Tilly is still in the above trifecta mode as she pops in to drop off Chucky and get the party started in a psychiatric hospital. Poor Nica (Fiona Dourif) finds herself in even more danger than in the last film. The team with all of the versions of Tiffany and Jennifer obviously won this battle and rode off with Nica/Chucky. The ending left us all waiting for the Nica/Chucky, Tiffany Doll, Tiffany as Jennifer Tilly spin-off to take our money. This is the unholy trinity we needed and still need.
Stream it on SYFY
Chucky The TV Series (2021- Present)

We were gifted a lovely cast of characters to love, including two versions of Zaddy Devon Sawa. They even gave us a fantastic soundtrack, iconic death scenes, characters to hate, and Charles Lee Ray’s backstory. We even had Fiona Dourif playing her dad and being ridiculously hot while doing it. However, we still spent most of the season one waiting for Jennifer Tilly and Tiffany Doll to come back to us. I thought Twitter was going to explode while waiting for them and Nica/Chucky to resurface. Luckily, before our collective breakdown, the dream team rode in with lingerie and switchblades to make the place feel like home. We managed to get time with all three of these bad bitches. We also have more to look forward to in this upcoming second season. Let us break out the red nail polish with matching lipstick, our best bra, and prance queens!
Stream it Peacock!
What’s your favorite Jennifer Tilly moment? Let me know at @misssharai.
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