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It’s no secret that the John Hymans-helmed survivalist thriller Alone was one this writer loved (review and top 10 of…

Post Thumb: /jan13/blunewunis.jpg Here in the States we’ve been watching Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning on home video for a…

Cover art: news/jan13/blunewuni.jpg Starring Scott Adkins, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Mariah Bonner Directed by John Hyams Distributed by Sony…

Post Thumb: /jan13/blunewunis.jpg With Universal Soldier: Regeneration director John Hyams brought the franchise to a brutal and startling new level.…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg A good news/bad news situation for The Collection at…

Post Thumb: /nov12/usds.jpg Today the next chapter in the ongoing Universal Soldier saga is set to be released in selected…

Cover art: /reviews/usolrbs.jpg Starring Jean Claude Van Damme, Dolph Lundgren, Scott Adkins Directed by John Hyams Universal Soldier: Day of…