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Read our exclusive interview with Michael Paul Stephenson about his new documentary ATTACK OF THE MURDER HORNETS!

Post Thumb: /sep12/ascreams.jpg This Sunday, October 28th, Chiller TV finally airs the incredible documentary

Source Name: The American Scream on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep12/ascreams.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/americanscream/americanscream1x’, ‘/gallery/americanscream/americanscream2x’, ‘/gallery/americanscream/americanscream3x’, ‘/gallery/americanscream/americanscream4x’, ‘/gallery/americanscream/americanscream5x’,…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg Syfy has announced its full “31 Days of Halloween” lineup, and the highlights include a special holiday…

Cover art: reviews/bluams.jpg Starring Victor Bariteau, Matthew Brodeur, Rich Brodeur, Manny Souza Directed by Michael Paul Stephenson Michael Paul Stephenson’s…

Post Thumb: /sep12/ascreams.jpg With Halloween just around the corner, the haunt industry is gearing up, and horror fans are gearing…

Post Thumb: /jun12/fanfs.jpg One of the greatest film festivals on the face of the planet, Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas,…

Source Name: Ain’t it Cool Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep12/ascreams.jpg With Fantastic Fest in full swing you can expect…