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20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has announced that they will be releasing a new box set for Joss Whedon’s “Buffy…

Time to dig on some more ocular candy from FrightFest in the fashion of your first look at the horrors…

Redwood is writer/director Tom Paton’s second feature film from his innovative production company The Film Label, and with the project…

Best known for his role as Xander Harris in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Nicholas Brendon now has a new project…

It’s hard to believe we’re already talking about things coming out in 2015, but alas, the passage of time waits…

“The Real Housewives of Horror” are back with a new episode featuring “Buffy’s” Nicholas Brendon and Nerdist head honcho Chris…

Cover art: reviews/coherence-s.jpg Starring Hugo Armstrong, Emily Baldoni, Nicholas Brendon, Elizabeth Gracen Directed by James Ward Byrkit Much like the…