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April 15, 2014
Post Thumb: /feb14/locker-13-s.jpg Brothers’ Ink Productions will be releasing Locker 13 in select theaters and on DVD on April 29th,…
Uncategorized March 10, 2014
Post Thumb: /feb14/locker-13-s.jpg Brothers’ Ink Productions will be releasing Locker 13 in select theaters and on VOD on March 28th,…
Uncategorized February 28, 2014
Post Thumb: /feb14/locker-13-s.jpg Kickstarter success story Locker 13 is getting set to hit the road for a theatrical release next…
Uncategorized February 11, 2010
In anticipation of the upcoming release of Hellhounds on DVD (February 16th), we thought it might be interesting to talk…
November 30, 1999
In anticipation of the upcoming release of Hellhounds on DVD (February 16th), we thought it might be interesting to talk…