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Uncategorized March 14, 2013
Post Thumb: /mar13/if-a-tree-falls-2s.jpg A sequel to the 2010 indie horror hit If a Tree Falls, entitled If a Tree Falls…
Uncategorized May 13, 2011
Post Thumb: /apr11/treefallss.jpg After lots and lots of talk the folks behind the new indie horror flick If a Tree…
Uncategorized April 14, 2011
Post Thumb: /apr11/treefallss.jpg In the new indie horror flick If a Tree Falls, more kids get in a car for…
November 1, 2010
Reviewed by Mr. Dark Starring Ryan Barrett, Jennifer De Lucia, Daniel Zuccala, Breanne TeBoekhorst Directed by Philip Carrer If a…
Uncategorized May 3, 2010
Even the Canadians have got themselves some good lookin’ indie horror coming on fast and furious as information on a…