Anchor Bay Horror on the Go: Hellraiser, Children of the Corn, Dawn of the Dead (UMD)

Technology has brought the horror fan many a benefit. None more so than the advent of portable entertainment. Anchor Bay Entertainment continues on its quest to remain the fan’s best friend by putting some rock solid chills right into the palm of their hands!
The hottest thing in portable entertainment right now is the Sony PSP. With it, its owners can not only play videogames, but they can listen to music and of course watch movies. This in an incredible innovation. Portable DVD players sport a much higher price tag than the PSP does, so this is a very cost effective way to take our horror favorites with us wherever we go.
Speaking of which, Anchor Bay blesses us this month with three of its hottest horror titles: Hellraiser, Children of the Corn, and the original George A. Romero classic Dawn of the Dead. Each film is presented in stereo and in its original widescream aspect ratio, all of which look and sound incredible on the PSP’s small but Hi-Def screen.
My only beef with these UMD releases is that there are no extra features to be found on them at all. I would like to see a more complete package in the future. Hell, even a trailer would be appreciated. As is though, the lack of special features should not act as a deterrent that would prevent you from purchasing your favorite fright flicks to keep with you everywhere. Who couldn’t use a little Pinhead at lunchtime? Why wouldn’t we want he who walks behind the rows with us in a waiting room? Not to mention a little gory goodness courtesy of Tom Savini and his band of ghouls during rush hour commutes. Count me in! These are a must have for the collector and a great way to make that stuck-up nosy person sitting next to you squirm in their seats!

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