Who Goes There Podcast: Ep258 – THE WITCH: SUBVERSION
Praise be unto King Sam for we have returned from the darkness and are bringing you into the light! Yes last week we took a much needed week off to recharge our batteries and are back bigger and better than ever! Yes, we recorded this episode before the break. Also, we are still recording remotely, and now we here.
I don’t know if you guys are aware, but South Korea is KILLING IT with their movies right now. I mean, they have the biggest musical artists right now. (Get on that B.T.S. hype train!) South Korea released a little film came out this month called The Witch: Subversion. Yeah, we’re doing that. (Review at 40:10)
Are there witches? Is it magic? Maybe it’s like a metaphor? You should definitely check it out. Not only that, we talk about Adventures in Babysitting, if farts could kill, old white bitches, and how we’re staving off the space madness!

You know all those goddamn security scenarios we ran? Well, I’m stuck in the middle of one we didn’t think of. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 258!
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